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International Prize – Il Teatro Nudo (The Naked Theatre) by Teresa Pomodoro

International Prize

Il Teatro Nudo (The Naked Theatre)

by Teresa Pomodoro

14th EDITION, 2022-2023

With the High Patronage of Presidente della Repubblica

With the support of Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale



1. International Prize “The Naked Theatre” by Teresa Pomodoro

Spazio Teatro NO’HMA Teresa Pomodoro Association and the Township of Milan, with the High Patronage of the President of the Republic and the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, promote the fourteenth edition of the International Prize “

The Naked Theatre” by Teresa Pomodoro.

The Prize is dedicated to the memory of Teresa Pomodoro, founder in 1994 of the Association. Teresa Pomodoro was the inspiration for a theater open to interactions between various artistic disciplines, the soul of a theater that reaffirms its ethical, cathartic and mimetic function, choosing to put the excluded at the center of her investigation and give voice to marginalization and degradation, to suffering, to racism, and to that violated and overwhelmed humanity.

The objective of the Prize is to reveal and promote those forms of “Theatre of Inclusion” that brings theatre into the heart of society, giving back to the performing arts their value of experience and an opportunity for growth and sharing, opened to everybody, without any distinctions of age, social background, gender, culture or religion.

The “Theatre of Inclusion” is open to accept new languages, wherever they can be found. This appeal shall be extended through space, reaching both distant lands and familiar locations, in research of artists who perceive this message and provide their own interpretation of its meaning.

The 14th edition of the Prize confirms its structure: the selected shows will run alongside the normal programming of the No’hma’s season and will each have two consecutive performances.

2. The Participants

International productions and works can participate in the Prize. It is open to artists in all areas of expression, extending beyond traditional forms of theatre, comprising companies, theatres, associations and institutions, operating in the areas of culture, art, and other forms of experience.

3. The Juries

The International Jury of Experts and the Jury of Spectators will judge the shows.

Spectators will be provided with the Passport for Culture Passport, which will allow them to vote and make a rating of the best shows.

The International Jury of Experts is composed of figures from the world of culture, art and society: Lev Abramovič Dodin (Artistic Director of Malyj Dramatičeskij Teatr of St. Petersburg), Fadhel Jaïbi (Artistic Director of the Théâtre National Tunisien), Oskaras Koršunovas (Founder and Artistic Director of the Oskaro Koršunovo Teatras of Vilnius – OKT), Lim Soon Heng (cofounder and director of Malaysian theatre company KL Shakespeare Players), Stathis Livathinos (Greek Director), Muriel Mayette-Holtz (Director of the Théâtre National de Nice), Enzo Moscato (Founder and Artistic Director of Compagnia Teatrale Enzo Moscato), Lluís Pasqual (Spanish Director), Peter Stein (German Director), Tadashi Suzuki (Founder and Director of Suzuky Company of Toga – SCOT in Japan), Gábor Tompa (President of the Union of European Theatres and Director of Hungarian Theater of Cluj, Romania). Members of the Jury perform their work free of charge.

President of the Jury will be Livia Pomodoro, President and Artistic Director of Spazio Teatro No’hma.

In case that a member of the Jury is related to one or more members of the theatre productions in the competition, the Juror shall abstain from voting the show, and the same approach shall be followed in the case of any form of conflict of interests.

At the beginning of the following season, the Award Ceremony will take place. During the ceremony, the two Juries will award with prizes and special mentions the best theatre companies.

4. How to participate

To participate in the 14th edition of the International Prize, participants must submit the following material:

  • Presentation of the theatre company
  • Description of the show
  • Full video of the performance
  • Press review, if available
  • Technical scheme

The material, which will not be returned, must be sent to the email address: nohma@nohma.it

Alternatively, theatre companies can send the material to:

Spazio Teatro No’hma Teresa Pomodoro

Via Orcagna 2

20131 Milano

Spazio Teatro No’hma Teresa Pomodoro will cover – for all the selected companies – travel, accommodation and technical costs. In addition, a daily allowance will be provided to each company member for the period strictly related to the set-up and performances; while it is not contemplated the payment of a cachet.

The spaces of the Theatre will be available to the artists for staging and rehearsals only during the week in which the show will be staged, from Monday until Thursday, from 09:00 AM to 6:00 PM. If necessary, different rehearsal times may be agreed with the theatre’s technical manager. The performances will take place on Wednesday and Thursday at 9:00 PM. The duration of the show must not exceed 60 minutes.

4.1 Deadline for submission

There is no deadline for the submission of applications, which can be sent at any time. If the current edition of the Prize has reached the maximum number of participating companies, the commission reserves the right to consider the candidacy for the next edition.

5. Audiovisual rights

The shows and replicas staged at Spazio Teatro No’hma are recorded and broadcast live streaming on digital channels (YouTube and Facebook) of the same Theatre and remain visible until the end of the XIV edition of the International Prize.

It is in any case excluded any use for profit and transfer to third parties of the aforementioned records.

The Spazio Teatro No’hma also undertakes to be vigilant and to prevent that within the area where the show will take place, cameras and audio cameras are introduced and used, outside its official Photographer, of the Video maker and of any film crews for television services agreed by the Client’s Press Office.


6. The Award Ceremony

Prizes will be given during the Award ceremony that will take place at the beginning of the following season. During the evening, the audience will have the possibility to watch a part of the winning performances.

See for more details&materials: https://www.nohma.org/il_premio_Internazionale.html

For every information, please contact:

Spazio Teatro No’hma Teresa Pomodoro

Via Andrea Orcagna 2

20131 Milano

Tel: + 39 02 45485085 / 02 26688369



Spazio Teatro No’hma is also present on Facebook and Instagram.